Alexander B. Wollschlaeger · Thomas Langer · Cooperation partners

Curriculum Vitae:
- Born in 1974
- Law studies, Humboldt University and Freie Universität zu Berlin, First Legal Examination
- Legal traineeship in Brandenburg, Second Legal State Examination
- Of counsel in a human resources department of a German airline
- Of counsel in a legal department of a Berlin university
- Admitted as an attorney in 2004
- Legal traineeship, specialist solicitor „Employment Law“ 2007/2008
Practice Areas:
- Labor law
- Corporate law
- Traffic law
- German, English
- Berliner Anwaltsverein
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arbeitsrecht DAV
- VdAA- Verband deutscher ArbeitsrechtsAnwälte e.V.
- Deutscher Arbeitsgerichtsverband e.V.
- Berliner Tafel e.V.