Labor Law · Tenancy Law · Traffic Law · Corporate Law

Labor Law deals with the reciprocal relationship between employer and employee, and their respective unions. We represent both employer and employee, and their mergers in all aspects of Labor Law. Our main focus avoiding of legal disputes is achieved through clear and soundly drafted contracts and continual support in personnel matters. As a result of our continued advanced education, we are able to provide you with the best possible aid when securing contractual relationships. The strong cooperation with Tax Advisor Thomas Langer allows us to examine your matters with other areas related to the laws of labor and is included in your case configuration.
Our services particularly support the following areas:
- Representation of employees as well as employers in and out of court in all aspects of labor law (establishment, content, or conclusion of employment relations)
- Preparation of employment contracts (limited and unlimited employment relationships for employees, as well as for freelance workers and trainees)
- Advice in questions of industrial safety and data protection in the workplace
- Conception and integration of forms of employee investment
- Consultation and courses for employees and employers concerning general equal opportunity laws (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz AGG)
Point of contact: Alexander B. Wollschlaeger